Friday, July 9, 2010

Take the potty training polls!

I posted two potty training polls on the left side of the page, directly beneath the pink welcome sign.  You can vote for each of your children, if the program allows for it.  I'm curious to see the wide range of what's normal, as well as the difference between little boys and little girls.  

Thanks for all of your great advice on yesterday's Potty Training post.  Your information and advice really has me re-thinking my original plan of waiting until after this baby comes to begin potty training.  I'd still love any more tips you guys have.  That's one thing I love about motherhood.  None of us has it all figured out.  Once we get it figured out, the child throws us for a loop again, because children are constantly changing.  And no two children are the same, so what works for one won't always work for another.  So I love learning from other moms.  I'm constantly asking other moms how they do _____ (deal with picky eating, drop a feeding, train a child to clean, keep a child from throwing food, introduce solid foods, travel with a little one, keep up with the house, meal plan on a budget, etc.).  My mom friends are much better information sources than any What to Expect book.

Your information and personal experiences are invaluable, so thanks for sharing!'

1 comment:

  1. I love getting advice from other mom's and definitely agree that it is much better than any book out there... :)
