Friday, October 4, 2013

Turning Around a Rough Day & Planning for Christmas: Pin-It Party #17

Featured Pins

My favorite post from last week's pin-it party was this one from Kids Activities Blog.  Ness gives Tips for Turning Around a Bad Day, which I can relate to completely.  We all have those days.  I can tell you that as a mom of a 4, 2, & 1 year old, all of the tips she gives are exactly what I do on those days when I'm just one step away from completely blowing a fuse.  

The most clicked-on link from last week was The Complete Week-by-week No Stress Christmas Planner from Mums Make Lists.  It's a super smart way to break down the Christmas tasks into manageable chunks that we can tackle ahead of time.  I love it.

Now onto the fun.

How the Pin-It Party Works:

1.  Follow all 8 co-hosts on Pinterest. 


2.  Put the button anywhere on your site.

Pin-It! Party Button
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Pin-It! Party Button"><img src="" alt="Pin-It! Party Button" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

3.  Link up as many pins as you want!  This also gives us permission to use the image from the pin, so make sure the images are ones that you have taken and that you have legal rights to.

4.  Have fun!  Sit and stay a while.  Pin the ideas you love and maybe find some new blogs to follow. 

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  1. Thanks for hosting a great party & I hope you have a FUN weekend!

    ~ Jenn

  2. Hi Gabby. I'm looking forward to checking out this week's posts! Thanks for hosting again!
