Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When Motherhood Feels Like it's Just Too Much

We all have those days, the ones where we feel like it's just too much.

My most recent was on a Tuesday.

We started homeschooling in earnest on Monday.  Two days prior, my 2 year old showed us that he was definitely ready for potty training, so I felt we had to give it a go.  I've also started waking up early to run again.

And I knew I needed to be showered and ready to go before the kids woke up because we had so many big things on our plate, and I didn't want my 2 year old peeing somewhere while I was in the shower.  :)

So I was waking up earlier than usual, but still going to bed later.

And on Tuesday, Andrew, my 2 year old, staged a potty revolt.  He would barely tinkle and then say he was done.  Five minutes later, he would pee on the floor or in his underpants.  It was bad, y'all, especially for someone like me who hates chaos and mess.

And the baby was cranky...

And the mommy was tired...

And a friend was coming over to visit that afternoon, so I needed to clean.

And cook...



And...whatever your And is.

We all have them.  Those days where it all piles up and it's just too much.  The previous day, I knew I was relying on Christ for patience, wisdom, and grace with my kids.  But Tuesday, I felt my flesh rearing up.  I lost my patience.  I blew it twice.  And then I cried.

What do we do on those days?  I guess I don't know what you should do, but I can tell you what I did.

I Identified the source of stress.

For me, it was a few different things.  The cranky baby with the child who needed instruction combined with the potty training boycott was way too much.

I'm not an octopus; I just don't have that many hands.  

For a time, we sat in the bathroom working on phonics, but in the end, I just scrapped it.  It's Kindergarten.  It's not that big of a deal.  We'll catch up later.  

The other source of stress was having the house clean.  I was trying to clean with the kids but the baby was unhappy and my children were sort of cleaning, sort of playing, but in the meantime one would start peeing again.  It was wild.

I let go.

Of expectations.  Of a need to control.  Whatever it is, let go of it.  For me, it was the house cleaning.  I finally said forget it.  If my choices are a messy house or kids who think their mom is a monster, then I'm going with a messy house.  And that's what I did.

Dinner was junk of the frozen pizza variety.  We had to do it.  It was either that or pick up junk, so we went with cheap junk instead of expensive junk.

I focused on priorities.

The baby.  He needed me.  I didn't know why he was cranky, but he was, and it's unusual behavior for him.  We would find out the next day that he had an ear infection, so I'm glad I gave into his demands for comfort.

The potty trainer.  I stopped worrying about it and went back to the basics:  Keep it positive.  That's my goal with potty training and at some point, I had stopped being positive and started resorting to demands and pushiness.  So I focused on positive reinforcement and reminding him to potty, making it fun again.  By the end of the day, his boycott was over.

I hit the reset button

Tuesday night, I went to bed ridiculously early and I slept in until 7.  It was nice and I needed it.  I went back to my running schedule on Friday.  Again, it's important but it's just not worth the tired and impatient mommy.  I don't want to be her again.  

I Tapped into the Power Source

Any of those things alone would've been difficult:  The potty training, the ear infection, and the homeschooling.  But combined, they felt impossible.

So I prayed.  I confessed to God and my kids.  And then I practiced frequent prayer again, asking God to help me do things that felt completely beyond my ability:

stay patient with my kids, 
be the octopus mom with a gazillion hands, 
and serve with a joyful heart.  

Three things I'm not very good at.  But He is good.  He is faithful.  He provides abundantly more than we think He can.

Wednesday was better.

Thursday was great.

Friday we were done.

In the moments of chaos, I tend to think I'm going to stay there forever, and I just can't stand chaos.  But that's really not true.  There are seasons of chaos, or sometimes just hours of chaos, and then it all goes back to normal--a crazy normal, the kind of normal that comes when you're muddling through the little years, but it's a form of normal that I can handle because God enables me to.

How do you handle those days when it's all just too much?
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  1. "...we went with cheap junk instead of expensive junk." Love it! We have to do it sometimes! LOL
    Great post!


  2. Oh, Gabby, I know exactly how you felt. I always say I'm not an octopus since my kids need to be reminded of that daily. As for handling those days, I'm still a work in progress and sometimes it's really hard for me to turn it around. Motherhood is so hard, isn't it? It's nice knowing that you're not alone though. ;) Hang in there!

    1. It really is, so it's encouraging to hear that you've been there too, Jillian.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Tough stuff = good stuff.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has days like this.

  5. Having one of those days right now! :( I loved your line about giving up control, "If my choices are a messy house or kids who think their mom is a monster, then I'm going with a messy house. And that's what I did." That's what I need to do today: focus on the essentials, prioritize, and not be a monster. Thanks for the post. It's really helped more than I can express.

    1. Thank you, Emily. It feels so hard some days and so easy on others. I'm glad God uses my babies to make me more like Him.

  6. Thank you, Gabby. Since moving, I've had too many monster days. I needed this post tonight. xo

    1. Thanks, though I'm sorry you've had rough days too. Moving with kids has got to be tough!!

  7. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. <3 Thank you so much for this post. a. It's good to know I'm not the only one who sometimes wants to throw their hands up and say I'm quitting for the day! and b. Thank you for the reminder that it is a season, to serve joyfully and give it to God. I'm excited about browsing around your blog!

    1. Thanks, Sandy, I've enjoyed yours too! I know, there are definitely days where I just want to stay under the covers and let someone else be the Mommy.

  8. 'We tapped into the power source' i love this! This is what I do when my days are feeling out of control. He promises that he will give us rest if we come to him...sometimes the coming is the hard part but once we are there we never regret it!

    1. And really, can we do this thing by ourselves? No way. At least I can't.

  9. Thanks for sharing this post! My post today was called "When Life is Hard" and reflected my day today which was much like your Tuesday! It's good to hear that your week got better because it gives me reason to believe mine will too! :) Blessings!

    1. I enjoyed yours too! I hope your week has been nice and that your weekend brings refreshment. We need it!

  10. We moms wear sooo many hats! Good to know I am not the only mom that feels this way sometimes! Thankful that those chaotic moments are short lived and that God restores us after the craziness!

    1. He is good! Yes, I think that's the best thing about all the great comments you all are leaving; I feel a little less alone in those rough days.

  11. Like you I let things go, I vent or I read.

  12. Beautiful, beautiful post! Thanks for keeping it real. On *those* days, I find myself sneaking away to my room time and again as I hit my knees in prayer and read verses from the Bible that stays open on my bed or on top of the printer, where I can grab some soul refreshment in small snippets throughout the day.

  13. Gabby, this is such great advice. I love the way that you took a step back and were able to understand why you were stressed and take action. All too often I end up allowing my stress to cause me to get grumpy and I yell to deal with my feelings. Your way is much better. It has helped me a lot to think about how we can work our way through those difficult mummy moments.

    Great post. Linked here from Wise Woman Linkup.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions
