Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Planning Intentional Easter Activities, Part 2

Yesterday, I shared with you our plans for a Christ-centered Easter.  Here are a few more details on the activities we've done thus far:

Resurrection Rolls:  When Isabelle woke up this morning, she saw me in the kitchen and immediately asked "Whatcha cookin', Mommy?"  I was putting dishes away, but I decided on the spur of the moment to make Resurrection Rolls with her for breakfast.  Check yesterday's post for the recipe.

The results?  She absolutely loved them, and I thought they were delicious, especially with my morning coffee.  That's regular coffee, not decaf.  I like to live on the edge. =)

Playdough Mountain:  So after building, baking, and displaying the mountain, what in the world are you supposed to do with this thing? 

Map out some of the basic events of Holy Week!  There's not a lot of clarity on what happened each day, but a few days before his death, Jesus was probably teaching in the temple.  Before Izzy's naptime today, I read to her a story of Jesus teaching to his followers.  We use My Favorite Bible for nightly stories and devotionals with Isabelle, so I read a story from this book. Was it the exact story Christ would have told?  Not likely, but the idea was there.

Pipecleaner Jesus, teaching the multitudes.  My husband spent some time after dinner yesterday figuring out the best way to make pipecleaner people, and then he made Jesus and the crowd.  Thanks, honey!

Tomorrow, Jesus will be teaching again.  On Thursday, he will share the Lord's Supper with His disciples.  On Friday, of course, He will be crucified.  Saturday, we'll have to wait, and on Sunday, He will stand triumphant over the grave.

In Noel Piper's book, Treasuring God in Our Traditions, she emphasizes that you can use this activity for as long as it is taken seriously.  Once the children start treating it in a silly manner, it's time to put it away.  This is, after all, the crucifixion. 

The Jesus Film:  On Sunday, on a whim, we watched Campus Crusade for Christ's The Jesus Film.  We fastforwarded over anything that seemed scary or inappropriate for a young child, specifically, the possessed man and the beatings of Christ. 

This was one of the smartest ideas we've ever had.  Isabelle loved the movie!  She wasn't glued to it the entire time, and she didn't pick up on all that was going on, but she understood so much of it.  She was excited to see a real-life Zaccheus, and then she grabbed a blanket and pretended to be him.  Blind Bartimaeus was one of the high points for her, and we then had to use a scarf and pretend to be Bartimaeus, something we've done before after reading the story.  It was incredible to see how much of the New Testament she's familiar with, and how excited she became at seeing it played out before her very eyes.  I think we'll make this one a tradition.

Resurrection Eggs:  So I must confess that until today, I hadn't pulled out the eggs.  Why?  Isabelle loves playing with the eggs, so I resorted to hiding them a while back to keep them "special" for Easter.  As it turns out, I hid them so well that I couldn't find them, until today!  Whew!

Decorations:   A couple months ago, I decorated my fireplace mantel with Spring and Easter in mind.  I wanted to be purposeful with how I decorated, so here's a glimpse of part of my mantel. 

The plaque says "He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.  Matthew 28:6"  I opted for birds instead of the traditional bunnies.


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