Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Latest Izzy-ism

I'm busy packing, cleaning, and trying to squeeze in a tired mommy nap, so I'll share our Easter highlights with you next week.  For now, here's what I call an Izzy-ism, the latest funny thing Isabelle has done or said. 

We were driving home last night when my 3 year old daughter's tiny voice interrupted NPR's piano puzzler with a request.  "Mommy, sing the Fatman song." 

Fatman song?  What Fatman song?

I asked Isabelle to repeat herself several times, but it was very clear that she was saying Fatman.  Had she asked me to sing "Blue Skies song," "Wonderful Cross," or "Wheels on the Bus," I wouldn't have been surprised and I would've immediately burst into song. 

But Fatman song? 

My husband and I just looked at each other in confusion. 

We don't even use the word "fat" at our house.  Where in the world could she have heard a fatman song?

Finally, one of us asked her to sing the "Fatman song" because we just didn't know it.  She promptly began singing

"Nananananananananana FATMAN!!"
I know my kids aren't the only ones who are busy being adorable this week.  What hilarious antics are your kids up to?  Please share.  Moments like these are what we mamas live for.

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