Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Top Posts of 2011

I blog for fun because at heart, I'm still an English teacher, a literature-minded person who loves to read and write.  I also blog to keep family in the loop and share fun pictures and stories of the kiddos.  But I also enjoy blogging to inform.  One of the primary reasons I started this blog was because so many people would ask me questions about cloth diapering.  I ended up having to type massively long emails full of links and and "what works for us" stories.  Finally, I decided to create a blog.  Now all the info. for any of the "strange" things I do is all in one place, complete with links and anecdotes.

I didn't create the blog because I've got this mothering thing figured out.  Far from it!  In fact, I'm working on putting together a post or two about the one of the things that I'd "figured out" with my firstborn and have had to re-evaluate with my second child. I had to totally revamp my approach to sleep training and my thoughts on doing BabyWise.   What works with one kid doesn't always work with the other! 

So hopefully you've figured out that I'm a mom-in-progress with a long way to go.  I'm a mom who is clinging to the grace of God to make it through each and every day, and when I get an "aha!" moment, I do like to share it with the world. 

With that said, this blog has been fun and I've had more than 26,000 pageviews.  For anyone who has a "real" blog (like, with their own domain name, ads, etc.), this isn't a lot of views, but for my little blog with only 30 followers, I'm thrilled to see this many pageviews.  Become a follower, by the way!  It makes it easier to comment, and if you enjoy reading 2 or more blogs, then you should follow those blogs because it's a real time saver to have them all in one place.

So without any further ado, here are my top posts for 2011, with more readers for these posts than any others, and over 2,000 views for one of the stories.  Crazy, I know. 

Oh Baby!  A Baby Story:  The story of Isabelle's birth.  I'm planning on sharing Andrew's birth story soon too.

Broccoli Wokly:  A brief description of my beginnings with Baby-Led Weaning. 

Barbie:  Random thoughts on if Barbie really does affect self-image.  I'm still undecided, but there are so many good toys out there that we haven't bothered to enter the world of Barbie at our house, and I'm not sure if we ever will.

Oh Baby:  Nursery Photos:  Pictures of Andrew's nursery and the bedding that Damian's aunt and I made.  I could only find the bedding for $300 and up, but we made it for around $100.  The boutique look without the boutique price tag.  Oh yeah. 

7 Tips for Cleaning and Organizing Baby Clothes:  Ah, and now it's time to re-organize said baby clothes.  Sigh.  They grow so fast.

A Thank You Note from a Student:  Five Characteristics of Good Moms & Teachers:  A back to school post. 

Andrew's Emergency:  The entire series had a huge number of readers.  In it, I explained the events we went through in March, when Andrew had emergency surgery to remove one lobe of his lung.

Happy Reading!

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