Thursday, January 12, 2012

Isabelle's thoughts on Baby #3

Isabelle turned 3 in December, and she is very excited about this new little baby.  You'd think she'd be fed up with babies by now, and all the attention the little boogers get, but nope, not Izzy. 

In fact, it's often Isabelle who gives her little brother lots of attention, declaring "Mommy, look at Andoo's grin!  He's so cute!"  Or she'll tell me at random times "Andoo's so funny!"  She loves it when he makes what she calls "baby noises," like raspberries, and she gets pretty frustrated when he's not in the mood to make them.  She says "Andoo, make baby noises! Make baby noises!"

She was 25 months old when Andrew was born, and while she understood a lot of it, she definitely gets it a lot more this pregnancy.  Here are some Izzy-isms on the new baby: 

After we saw the baby on the sonogram, she was so proud to have a picture of our baby. Damian strolled both Isabelle and Andrew around the big clinic while I finished with the doctor. Isabelle showed the picture of the baby to everyone she passed, saying "Yook, it's o baby!" She doesn't say L's and instead of a dog, a cat, or a baby, she says o dog, o cat, or o baby. 

While looking at my belly.  Izzy:  "Is there o caterpillar in there?"  Me:  "Nope, it's a baby."  Izzy:  "How 'bout o giraffe?"  Me:  "Nope, it's a baby."  Izzy:  "Maybe o Yion?  (Lion).  Me:  Nope, it's a baby.

She lays on the couch, pulls a blanket up, and puts her stuffed puppy dog on her belly.  Izzy: "No, yiddle puppy, you can't climb on me.  I don't feel well.  I have o baby in my belly."  Wonder where she got that from?  Hmmm... 

The night before we went to the doctor's office for my first checkup and a sonogram.  Prayer time, talking to God:  Izzy:  "We going to doctor's office to see Dr. 'Cales.  Dr. 'Cales doesn't have suckers.  He doesn't have red ones, or blue ones, or purple ones, or green ones, or yellow ones..."

I'm glad to see my firstborn excited.  I'm sure she's thrilled about having another little brother or sister to boss around. 

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