Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sick Days

One day, in about 16 years, Isabelle will be leaving for college and Andrew will cringe when I call him my baby boy.  And I will give anything just to be woken up at 3 am by a sick baby in fuzzy footie pajamas. 

So I'm going to snuggle and rock him now, even if his sniffles keep both of us up all night long. 

And I'll let the dishes sit in the sink again, because I'm busy reading stories to my toddler who's fussy with an ear infection. 

And I'll try to serve their daddy soup with a smile as he fights his high fever. 

And then after the kids are in bed, I'll make a 9 pm run to Starbucks for a sip of sanity in a paper cup.


  1. My 7month old is all stuffed up too. But your perspective was refreshing and I think I've got a new outlook for our night. ;-)

  2. I'm glad you found it encouraging. My perspective is only refreshing on my best of days...on my worst, it's something else entirely. =)

  3. You always have a positive spin for even the worst days/nights. Thanks for the reminder to even cherish those things before they are gone entirely. One day, my baby won't need me anymore!! *sniff* Well, at least until she has her own baby ;) Loved the starbucks comment! hehe

  4. Oh, I was totally there that Friday night! I had to get out of the sick house, and there's not much that a Skinny Decaf White Mocha won't fix!
