Monday, June 21, 2010

We're Pregnant Again!!

We found out a few weeks ago that we're pregnant again!  We've been pretty excited about it!  We had our first doctor's appointment today, and Isabelle and Damian went with me to see the baby and hear the sweet little heart beat.  I love that sound! 

Here's a picture of Daigle Baby #2. 

If you're like me and you have a hard time reading sonograms, then this picture looks pretty funky and un-baby like, but it's a sweet little one, and in about 7 more weeks, I'll be feeling those first kicks.  Based on the crown to rump measurement (those little marks on the sonogram), I'll be 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow.

Our due date is February 8, so Isabelle and Baby #2 will be 2 years and 1 month apart.  I know it might be difficult at first, but I think the kids will play well together and be friends, since that was my experience with my own brothers and sisters.  We'll have two in diapers for a little while, so that will be fun, but it won't be much of an added expense, since we cloth diaper. 

How Am I Feeling?
In a conversation with my mom, she asked "So are you ready for 9 months of people asking 'how are you feeling?' all the time?  My response:  "YES!!"  I'm so ready for another baby!

So how am I feeling?  I feel just like you would expect:  Sick and tired.  I've been very tired for the past month.  About a week and a half ago, I started feeling nauseous pretty frequently, and last week it was definitely worse.  I finally got sick for the first time on Thursday, but so far, that's been the only time I've gotten sick.  It's been pretty manageable.  I'd say it's normal pregnant lady morning sickness so far, and nothing more.   

Prayer Requests:
If you'd like to pray for us, here's how you can pray:
  • For wisdom as we make decisions regarding labor and delivery.  Isabelle was breech, so I had a c-section last time, and there are many things we need to consider.
  • For a healthy pregnancy.
  • For normal morning sickness this time, instead of 9 months of it.  Last time, my second trimester is when it escalated and I had trouble gaining weight, which left me tired much of the time since I wasn't able to keep food down.    Please pray that my morning sickness will end when it should, at the first trimester, so that I have the energy to keep up with Isabelle and tend to the house. I also want to avoid taking meds for the morning sickness, since we don't ever fully know what effects medication will have on a growing baby. 
  • Our biggest prayer request for all of our children, even in the womb (and before!) is that they would know the Lord, love Him, love His Word, and delight in bringing glory to Him.  


  1. oh, congratulations, Gabbi and Damian! what joy! we will be praying--much love to you all!

  2. Thanks, April! We're so excited about another baby!

    Thanks for your prayers. We appreciate them so much! You guys are a blessing to us, even years after college.

  3. We're excited for your family!

    FYI: Joshua's due date was Feb 8th and he was born on the 12th.

  4. Thanks, Brian! It was so fun to get to share the news with Jo a while back--I knew you guys would be excited for us. That's neat that we have the same due date. I'm wondering if we'll make it into February at all, but we've got lots of time to figure that out.
