Thursday, June 17, 2010

5 Kids, 4 Moms, 3 States, 1 Diaper

Yesterday, I told you about my diapering dilemma:  Do I go with my preference for snaps (HappyHeinys) or go with what works (BumGenius)?  As much as I wanted to go with the HHs, I had two thoughts that kept running through my mind:  BumGenius diapers rarely, if ever, leak.  And of my three friends who use pocket diapers, every single one of them has had success with BumGenius diapers.  You just can't argue with that data.  I've looked into other snap brands, specifically some that have hip snaps, and I've read reviews that they don't work well on skinny babies.  But then I've also read reviews of HappyHeinys, and supposedly those don't work so well on chunky babies.  How am I supposed to know what kind of baby I'll have next time around? 

But here's what I do know:

Meet Ethan, from Texarkana, Arkansas.  He's about 7 months old and has been cloth diapered from birth.  His mom uses prefolds and wraps much of the time, but at night and when she's leaving the house, she grabs a BumGenius. 

This cute little guy is Sylas, of Baton Rouge, LA.  His mom switched to cloth several months ago, and that's a blue BumGenius he's wearing.  He's almost 1.  His mom also tried HappyHeinys but they just didn't work on this chunky little boy.  Fortunately, she ordered from a site with a great return policy!

This is Elison, Sylas' big brother.  He's thinking "A diaper mom?  Really?"  He'll be 3 in July, and is potty trained, but could easily wear a BumGenius, despite being over 30 pounds.

And this is Christian, from Houston, TX.  He's not modeling a cloth diaper, but he's just so cute that he needed to be included.  It was his mom who first told me about pocket diapers.  I remember saying to her "Wait a mean 2 year old Christian and my little bitty 7 month old can wear the same diaper? There's no way."  Christian is 3 now and potty trained, but until then, he wore BumGenius dipes, and it's still his mom's go-to diaper for overnight.

Sorry if I sound like an infomercial, but as I was debating a $90 diaper purchase, I just kept thinking of all 5 of these kids (five including Isabelle).  They can all wear the same diaper.  And it hardly leaks.  So sure, I love the idea of snaps because they'll hold up longer, but you can't argue with what actually works for so many kids. 

So when I had a chance to get five new diapers, I opted for BumGenius dipes, and couldn't be happier. I also stumbled across a great sale. Cotton Babies ran a special: buy five diapers, get one free. So I ended up with six diapers, bringing my stash up to 16 diapers, 9 one-size and 7 mediums, which Izzy will soon outgrow.  In the meantime, I'm loving not having to wash dipes every day, and I really love opening up the top drawer of the dresser/changing table and seeing it totally full of diapers. 

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  1. Great blog Gabby! I bet you are so excited about not having to daily wash her diapers! Melissa

  2. I LOVE BumGenius! Even though the velcro isn't as 'pretty' as it used to be, it still works great. I just pull out the fuzz that gets stuck in it. Here's a tip: do not wash the diapers with towels to prevent fuzz getting into the velcro. I have one pair of HH that I still use, however, I do experience more leaks with it (although, my HH is velcro, not snaps).

  3. Yes, Melissa, I'm thrilled. I'm even taking them out of town with me this weekend, something I usually don't do, because I detest arriving at 11 pm and having to stay up for diaper washing. But I won't have to do it this time.

    GREAT tip, Leslie! I always wash mine with towels, but now I won't. My HH doesn't always leak, but considering I've maybe had one or two leaks EVER with a BG, it easily beats out the HH for consistency in leak protection. And I once left it on Isabelle for a 5 hour car trip--she was asleep and I didn't want to wake her up for a diaper change. It still didn't leak.
