Monday, June 3, 2013

Review and Giveaway of Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert PLUS a Wet Bag Giveaway!

Cloth diapers are the reason I started my blog.

It's true.  One of my very first posts was a tutorial on how to make your own cloth wipes.  I think about seven people read it that day.

But really, the main reason I started a blog was because I switched to cloth diapers when my daughter was 8 months old, and I received questions and emails about them all the time from friends and acquaintances.  Finally, I decided that I wanted all the information in one place, so I started a blog.

I knew no one in this town who used cloth.  I couldn't even see the diapers in person before ordering.  So I spent hours upon hours researching cloth diaper types, brands, and wash routines until my head was spinning.

But now you don't have to do that.

Erin Odom, The Humbled Homemaker, has done every bit of the homework for you in her new book, Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert.  In fact, even though I have cloth diapered off and on for the past 4 years, I learned even more about cloth diapers through her book.

It's that good.

After reading her book, cover to cover, I've decided that Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert is the handbook on cloth diapering.  It's the resource that every cloth diapering mom should have.  I really don't intend to sound like an infomercial, but I was amazed by the depth of research in an ebook.

If you want to buy the ebook, you can download it 
here at Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert.  She's even giving a 20% discount for my readers by typing in mamagabcloth. 

Please note that the coupon code expires two weeks after this review, so get it now.   

Are you ready for the fun part?  Here's an awesome giveaway sponsored by The Humbled Homemaker and Diaper Parties by Callie.

The Humbled Homemaker is giving away one copy of Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert.  All you have to do is complete one of the entry requirements on this page and you're in!  The more entries, the more chances you have of winning.  And if you want to buy the book now, you can enter the contest anyway and your purchase will be completely refunded to you if you win.

But there's more fun.  

Diaper Parties by Callie is giving away one of these awesome wet bags, a size medium wet bag from Monkey Foot Design--an $18 value.  

Here's one of the wet bags in Gray Chevron, but we're going to let the winner decide which pattern she wants!  This wet bag is WAHM & USA-made by Monkey Foot Designs, who recently finalized the design & production of wet bags to be used by the astronauts in the Space Station!

I received a wet bag as a baby gift way before I ever used cloth diapers.  They're perfect for wet swim suits, poopy diapers and clothes, and anything else that's wet or yucky.  But if you use cloth diapers, then you'll find a wetbag to be essential, so sign up!  

Here's a little bit about Diaper Parties by Callie:  What is Diaper Parties?  It's FUN, teaches people about cloth, and you get to see the product before you buy!  Diaper Parties are a great way to make an informed decision.  Not only do they carry cloth diapers, but they have a wide variety of baby wearing and natural parenting products as well, so even if your friends don't cloth diaper, there's something for everyone at a Diaper Party.  Callie is available for parties, baby showers, and personal consultations!

By the way, I only knew Callie through the wonderful world of Facebook & blogs, but then I ran into her in Chuck E. Cheese one day.  My baby was chilling out in the Ergo and I was envious of the super cute hounds tooth wrap that held her little guy.  So completely by accident, we met in person.  If you have any cloth diapering question, I would talk to Callie.

The winner of today's giveaway gets both Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert and the wet bag!  Use Rafflecopter below to enter in as many ways as possible so that you can have the best chance of winning both of these great items!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Affiliate Disclosure:  Yes, after I read Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert, I decided that I loved it so much, I wanted to be an affiliate.  So that means if you purchase it through me, I will receive a small portion of the sales.  I wouldn't endorse it if I didn't agree with it, but in the interest of honesty, I feel you should know that I'm an affiliate.


  1. I love the gray chevron. It would be perfect in my daughter's room!

  2. I can't wait to put my baby in cloth diapers (EDD July 4th). I feel overwhelmed but I know I'll love it!

  3. I can always use another wet bag....especially a monkey foot bag!!! :)

  4. I have a wet bag that I use for my cloth period pads, but now I need one for diapers!

  5. I like the Forest Poppies pattern and I'd use it for diapers!

  6. love the just hanging pattern for the wet bag!

  7. I have a wet bag fettish!! I'm a cloth diapering Mimi and keep my youngest grandson!! Love my cloth diapers! ;)

  8. I'm also a cloth diapering newbie and desperately need a wetbag for our day trips out :).

  9. I could use a new wet bag and their prints are so awesome. I would love the Hedgehog Meadows.

  10. This looks like a GREAT giveaway!

  11. What are the benefits of disposable diapers? Why should we not use cloth diapers?
    honest diaper reviews
