Friday, May 31, 2013

Imagine Going Back {Five Minute Friday}

Five minutes.  No editing. No deleting.  This week's topic?  Imagine.

I saw a picture of Houmas House Plantation today, and I immediately thought I want to go back.

I want to go back to the gorgeous, sprawling landscape with the huge oak trees.  That mini vacation we had without the kids, just the two of us, and the little bun in the oven.  I was glad to have at least one baby with me, even if he wouldn't arrive for another 12 weeks.

We toured the grounds, saw Napoleon's clock, and bickered over the perfect spot for a picture, and I agreed that you were right.  We should've made reservations for their restaurant that night.  I had no idea it was fine dining.

But it was late, so we got in the car, and after grabbing Lebanese food to go, and one last stop at the levee to put our feet in the Mississippi River, we headed out for the B&B an hour away.  And we said we'd try the restaurant at Houmas House when we go back.

And I do want to go back.

But I want to go back to that time, last year, when we left the kids at Nana & Papa's house and took a little vacation.  Back when I still had all of my parents.

Back to when we still had Papa.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Thanks for sharing your memory and for prompting our hearts to imagine similar memories. Imagine on, live on!

  2. I'm so sorry. It is a sad thing to say goodbye to our loved ones. Many people in the Five Minute Friday prompt imagined heaven...I like to imagine my beloved father there. Blessings to you!

    1. Yes, that's the wonderful thing. I know he's there rejoicing, but he was an amazing father and grandfather.
