Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fall {Five Minute Friday}

Five minutes.  No editing. No deleting.  This week's topic?  Fall.

I have a picture in my head from today, and if I'd had a camera with me, it would be black and white, with lots of shadows.

You would not fall asleep.  At your Nana's house this week, you're too busy being two, exploring and playing with your aunts and uncles, and sleep just won't happen.

At nap time today, I found you in Nana's bed playing with coins, "meeee" (money) and a Gideon Bible.  I don't know what your fascination is with the tiny Gideon Bibles you find all over Nana & Papa's house, since they're Gideons.  Maybe you like that they're Andrew-sized, because I find you with one or two of them every day at nap time.

I walked outside and closed up the monstrous green shutters, the same ones that batten the hatches when a hurricane blows into the gulf, just 45 minutes south of Nana's house.  Now the summer sun was gone, thanks to the shutters, and we could focus on a nap.

I took the money away but left the Bible in your stubborn little grasp.  We snuggled, and I watched as you caressed it with your chubby toddler fingers, running your hands over the smooth pages and then feeling the bumpy faux leather cover.  You turned the Bible over and over again in your hands, until I offered you your lovies.

But I put them in the wrong hands, so you switched them.

Horsey lovey on the right, just so.

Monkey lovey on the left, just so.

And as Fernando Ortega played on the iPod, you then buried your face in the soft lovey fur and fell asleep.

And I didn't want to move.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Sweet memory, Gabrielle! Thanks for sharing. Visiting your cute blog from FMF

  2. Sounds like a great photo to keep in your head. Sweet. I love it when my boy falls asleep on me. I know I won't have it for much longer, so I savor the sweetness. Sounds like you did, too! :)

    Visiting from FMF

  3. Beautiful Gabby! Just found your blog through FMF and followed you through fb, twitter and pinterest!

    Visiting from FMF.

    Love, Traci Michele @ Ordinary Inspirations
