Thursday, June 6, 2013

A fun way to get your preschooler to clean their room

One of my primary rules of cleaning is this:

If a 2 year old or a 4 year old can do it, then I'm not going to.

Did you catch that?

If my kid can clean it, mommy doesn't.

So I love to assign small tasks to my kids, like cleaning up the box of baby toys for our infant, picking up blocks, or putting silverware away.  And I try not to clean their rooms, at least not by myself.  But one challenge is that my 4 daughter gets distracted easily from her cleaning, and I often have to stand over her, telling her each thing that must be done next.

Recently, I had an epiphany.

1.  She wants to be like mommy.
2.  She loves to make lists.
3.  She feels really proud of herself when she's accomplished a cleaning project.

I finally added those tidbits together to come up with my latest way of keeping her on task while cleaning.

Make a list!

But she's 4.  She can't read anything beyond a three letter word.  So I've started making pictorial lists for her.

Here's how it works:

1.  I walk into her room and take note of what toys are left out.  
2.  I make a to-do list for her.
3.  I illustrate the list.
4.  I talk it through with her.  

If I didn't talk it through with her, she wouldn't know what the jobs are because I'm terrible at drawing.  So it helps to take a moment to explain that the funny shaped object is, in fact, a dog.

And then she cleans.  My daughter especially looks forward to checking the items off.  She must get that from her mommy.

At times, I still have to help her get back on task, but at this point, the list is really working for us!  When needed, I set an egg timer, with maybe two minutes per task, to help her stay motivated to keep up the good work.

We don't do this every single time we clean her room, or it would get old in a hurry.  But more often than not, she'll say "Mommy, I need my list."  And she always asks for a pen to check items off her list, but last time, she got sad because she doesn't know how to make check marks like me.  I gave her a quick lesson in check marks and she was good to go.

She feels so grown up with her list, and I find that when I give her responsibilities, she's more than happy to step up and follow through with them.

Now let's hear from you!  How do you motivate your young kids to clean their rooms?



  1. Hi, Stopping by from Fellowship Fridays. Just wanted to say that this picture list is such a really cool idea. I too have a four year old daughter who is less then motivated on her own. I usually have to coach her, "get all the shoes, now the toys, pick up your dress-up clothes, etc..." But now I look forward to this list making idea. Thanks for sharing and God Bless!

    1. Sounds just like my daughter! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love this! I think that sometimes we tell kids to do something like "pick up your toys, clothes, and all the garbage in the room" and they get a little overwhelmed. The list is awesome because your daughter only has to concentrate on one thing at a time.

    Thanks for linking up at the Pin It Proudly link party. I can't wait to see what you link up this Thursday.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking when I started doing it this way, Markell. Thanks!

  3. What a great way to present this! I am a new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back! Nicole

  4. Hey! Just wanted to stop by again and tell you that this is one of three posts that I featured on this weeks Pin It Proudly Link party! Head over and grab a feature button if you’d like to and link up your newest favorite pin. I can’t wait to see what you have this week!

    Here is the link to the party:

  5. My son is a little bit too young for this yet but I think he would like it! he loves to help me make lists for the grocery store! Thanks for the idea!

  6. This is a great way to get kids to pick up after themselves, but also helps them not become so overwhelmed with cleaning.

  7. Brilliant!
    My 5 year old is into making lists lately, too -- and sometimes she pretends to make cleaning lists. This is definitely getting pinned!
