Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blog Re-Launch Party & Giveaways: Potty Training ebook and Motherhood book

All week long, we're having a Blog Re-Launch Party to celebrate my new domain and blog.  And what's a party without gifts?  So all week long, we're doing giveaways for you.

I love to read, so Thursday's items are two books!

One is a great book that I will ship to you called Just Give Me a Little Piece of Quiet, by Lorilee Craker.  Because who doesn't need some quiet?  It's perfect for moms in all stages of life and is a MOPS resource that you'll enjoy.

The second book is a great potty training ebook from my blogging friend, Becky at Your Modern Family.  I had a chance to preview Potty Train in a Weekend and I loved it. It reminded me so much of what worked so well when I was potty training my first child two years ago.

I also learned some great ideas that I think will help when it's time to potty train my second child who is not quite 2 1/2 yet.  He is very different from his big sister, so I expect a few more challenges this time around, and Becky's book is going to be a great resource for me.  Specifically, I think her bare bottom approach is going to be incredibly effective for Andrew.  He's a stubborn little guy, but when we've done diaper air outs, he will not potty without that diaper on!  This is a good sign.

About Becky
Hi! I'm Becky! I am a Mom to my 4 little ones! I blog at Your Modern Family about raising our kids, organizing our home and saving money. I was a teacher and I am now a part-time play therapist, so I love to share ideas about children. I am also the author of Potty Train in a Weekend, a complete guide to potty training your child in three days. I am excited to share this with you!

About the book 
I have written a very detailed, informative, great book for you that talks about all things “Potty-Training”. It is going to give you all of the information and tools that you need to start potty training and complete it in three days. If your child is already trained or is in the middle of training, this book is perfect for you, too. It will walk you through the hurdles that you will face, the struggles that you will have, the praise and reward system that you want, etc.
I tried to think about everything that you would want to know (& need to know) to help your child use the potty! Is your child having a potty training hurdle, such as ‘They won’t poop on the potty!” or “They were using the potty, but now they are having accidents all of the time!” (regression) Are you going back and forth between diapers, pull-ups and underwear? Is your child still having accidents after more than a few days of potty-training?
What if there was a way to help your child potty train in just three days? Potty Train in a Weekend is the only guide that you will ever need to potty train your child. Whatever method you choose, this eBook has more than 70 pages packed full of information that will be helpful to you and your child!

Ready to win?  Sign up below and you'll receive both books, one in your email inbox from Becky and the other in your real life mailbox from me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure:  I'm an affiliate for Potty Train in a Weekend


1 comment:

  1. Love this giveaway! I am going to start potty training in the next month or so and it would be awesome to have this help :)

    by the way I love the blog design. And, I'd love for you to come check out my new link party -
