Monday, June 10, 2013

Blog Re-Launch Party & Giveaways: Felt Clippies from So Cute by Sarah

All week long, we're having a Blog Re-Launch Party to celebrate my new domain and blog.  And what's a party without gifts?  So all week, we're doing giveaways for you.  

Monday's item is this adorable set of hair clippies from So Cute by Sarah.

This is a set of 4 hair clippies for your little girl.  You will receive a pencil, a candy corn, a turkey, and a Christmas Tree.

You can see Sarah's precious little girl modeling the pencil clippie.

About Sarah

Hi, my name is Sarah.  I am a SAHM of Nelson (9) and Grace (7--almost!).

I learned to sew when I was much younger and took it up again when I had my daughter, Grace.  I got my embroidery machine a couple of years ago and I have the greatest fun making shirts and clippies for everyone.  I feel it is my duty to make the world cuter, one shirt and clippie at a time.

You can follow So Cute by Sarah on Facebook and also check out the So Cute by Sarah Etsy site.  She does some really cute embroidery work!

Register for the giveaway below and then come back tomorrow to see what else we're giving away.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the look AND the giveaway items! Great name, b/c they ARE so cute! Thanks!

  2. Congrats on the new blog! All the best!

  3. I'm new to your blog, and love the new design! :)

    1. Thanks for checking it out! It's SO much better than the old one. You didn't miss much. :)

  4. Thanks, I'm following your page now too! I love getting to connect with other bloggers.

  5. I'm new to your blog so I never saw the old design. I do like this one though. It's clean & bright without the colors being overwhelming, uncluttered.

  6. I like to use them in my homemade rice pack s... It gives the mobile heating pads a nice scent :)

  7. I like to use them in my homemade rice pack s... It gives the mobile heating pads a nice scent :)
