Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Peanut Allergy Mom Responds to Kellogg's Peanut Butter Pop Tarts

My husband texted me from the grocery store last weekend saying "Ugh!  Now they sell peanut butter Pop Tarts!"

The ugh did not come from a hatred of peanut butter.  My husband is crazy for peanut butter.  The ugh stemmed from yet another food that would not be an option in our home.

My toddler is allergic to peanuts, cashews, and chick peas, so most nuts are out of the question.

Since so many foods are made on the same processing lines as their nutty counterparts, there are a number of unassuming foods that we have to avoid, even strange things like Great
Value brand barbecue sauce, hamburger buns, and instant oatmeal.

But thanks to Kellogg's diligence, we don't have to avoid all Pop Tarts just because of the new peanut butter flavors.

Not only has Kellogg gone to the extra effort of processing the peanut butter toaster pastries at a separate facility, but they've gone the extra mile in packaging too.  Instead of the classic blue box, the peanut butter boxes are bright orange and inside, the pop tarts are wrapped in gold foil instead of silver.  

And the entire food allergy community says "Thank you."   

If only all companies were so cautious.  Great Value can take some cues from Kellogg on their processing practices and Cheerios can learn about how to be diligent with their packaging.  I know that ours is not a nut-free world, and my child can't live in a bubble of safety, but I love it when a company handles nut products in such a responsible manner.  And with food allergies on the rise, I'm sure it can help their bottom line too.

Your turn:  What are some of your favorite food companies?  Have you tried the new peanut butter Pop Tarts?  

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  1. It's nice to see that Kellogg's went the extra mile to make it easier for parents like you. Especially, since they market their food to children. The gold wrapper is good for children who don't yet read. I'm glad this makes things easier for you. :)

  2. My son is allergic to Peanuts and Tree Nuts. I was just trying to email Kellogg, but their email is not going through. Then I found you. This would be Great. How did you find out that the Peanut Butter Pop Tarts are made in a different facility? I was hating the fact I had to tell my son no more pop Tarts.

    1. I'm so glad you asked. I read this on the FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) website as well as several others. Here's a link: http://www.foodallergy.org/alerts/ingredient-notices-feed

  3. I agree. I am allergic to nuts as well and have to be extremely careful of what brands I buy. In case you didn't know, everything in Bi-Lo's deli section now carries that same "processed in a facility that also processes tree nuts, etc..." label and it's seriously annoying when companies think they can just cover their butts by putting that label on everything so they're not liable. But if they realized how much money they're losing from doing tht (since none of us with those allergies will buy those products) I bet they'd switch to safer processing practices in a heartbeat. Thank you for posting this. It'snice to know I'm not alone in this daily battle.
