Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday & a Baby Mugging

So I had to mug my baby.  It took five minutes but was tons of fun for my kids.  They think it's hilarious that Alexandre can fit in mommy's coffee mug.    

Here he is, chilling out in my favorite coffee mug, which says "Blessed and Loved."  

And this one is my favorite.

Have you mugged a baby lately?


  1. Great job! I love the look on his face in the second photo!

  2. Haha, that's hilarious! And I can imagine how funny it would be for older kids. We'll have to try it here when Quinn is just a bit older (old enough to sit on her own)!

  3. Thanks! You can give it a try anyway. I see a lot of people putting their baby on a blanket on the floor and "mugging" them that way, but since he's sitting up now, I thought it would look better this way.

  4. haha these are awesome! I keep wanting to do it and forgetting! ;) maybe for my 'wordless wednesday' next week! you've inspired me
