Friday, May 3, 2013

Brave {Five Minute Friday}


You're so brave.  

I couldn't have done it.

But maybe you could've.  Maybe if it was your newborn baby and you didn't have a choice, you could've done it too. Sometimes in life, we have no option.  We sit there, in a waiting room for hours, after the anesthesiologist with no bedside manner at all said "Your baby could die in surgery."  And we sit there and wait.

And wait.

By ourselves.

My husband was coming, driving in from back home, because only one of us was allowed on that jet plane to the children's hospital.

So I was by myself.

Just me, my cell phone and more text messages than I could ever have possibly responded to, from people who, like me, had no idea how such a healthy, chunky baby could possibly have a lung defect that would require losing half a lung in emergency surgery.

It was two long years ago, yet just last night, an acquaintance told me how brave I was, and how she prayed for me every day of that ordeal.

But I wasn't alone.  God never left.  The author of life, the maker of lungs and their defects was with me that awful morning when I waited on the edge of my hard waiting room seat, eager for every surgical update possible.

He knew what the outcome would be.

A perfect baby boy.  And a not-so-brave mama who now knows, without a doubt, just how good God is when everything is dark.


This was my first time responding to the prompt in Five Minute Fridays.  Click the link below to see how others responded to the prompt.  

Five Minute Friday


  1. It's amazing how "brave" we can be in those moments when there's nothing else to be done--and it's a wonderful comfort to know God's presence when there is nothing we ourselves can do. I loved reading this; thanks for writing!

  2. Bravery isn't not being scared. It's doing what you have to do despite your terror. My firstborn was 3 months premature way back in 1980. You're absolutely right when you say you do what you have to do. People were always saying, wow, I couldn't have done it, and I always thought, what choice was there? Great post, great first FMF! I hope to see you back every week.

  3. It seems bravery comes when we can't do anything but trust God, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing.

  4. What a great testimony, Gabby..and welcome to FMF :)
