1. Contentment
As I've watched one dear friend navigate the world of special needs, I've also learned to handle my own son's life-threatening nut allergies. It has been scary at times, especially after he was first diagnosed with it. But even without labels and a diagnosis, none of us really know what the future looks like for any of our kids. Slowly, I'm learning to be content with what God has given me, and the same God that carried my family through our son's rare lung defect can surely carry us through any food allergy.
2. Give Myself Just as Much Grace as I Give to Others
It's easy for me to tell a mom that her housework isn't nearly as important as spending time with her kids or getting some rest, but when it was me who was chasing a 3 year old, a 1 year old, and quite pregnant with my next bambino, I really struggled with letting go of the things that just don't matter.
I'm definitely my own worst critic sometimes, and that voice that says bad mom when I give my kids Pop Tarts and let them watch a show on Netflix so that I can get a shower is one that I'm slowly learning to tune out. Sometimes, we just have to do what gets us through the day, and that's OK.
My pastor's wife often quotes her father-in-law, who would say sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap. So nap on, mamas, while the laundry waits. Your kids and husband will appreciate the happy mom more than the spotless house.3. How to Be Friends Without Comparison
I think my friends on the MOPS Steering Team are some of the best at this, but we pretty much refuse to get involved in mommy wars and comparison. It's just not even worth it.Two of my very close friends were serving with me in MOPS last year, and it was amazing how we all managed to avoid the ugliness that often consumes beautiful friendships. Instead, we chose to celebrate with each other's joys and pray for each other's struggles. That's what mom friendship should be about, not worrying about who breastfeeds and who doesn't.
4. The Rule Books Don't Matter
I used to be a by-the-book rule follower when it came to parenting. But there were so many books and conflicting rules! And as I looked around at my friends who were doing things differently than me, I noticed that all of our kids were just fine, regardless of when we introduced solids.So I'm learning to be confident in my parenting decisions, even if they're different from everyone else's or if they're different than the latest parenting books. I've learned to research my options, talk to other moms and get their thoughts if I want, pray about it, and ultimately, trust in God's wisdom. And then I'm done. I'm convinced that my decisions are best for us because I know the unique dynamics of my family. There's no need for condemnation towards other moms because I'm not the mother of their children. And then those mommy wars just don't even happen because I'm not willing to engage.
5. How to Love Practically
Most of my friends know that I don't do pregnancy well, so it was a blessing when one sweet mom-friend informed me that she was bringing dinner over "Because maybe pregnant women need a hot meal just as much as a new mom." I couldn't agree more.I have a friend who is a note-sender, and somehow she always knows when I need an encouraging word. Another friend frequently took my 3 year old out on playdates when my third baby was born, so that I could recover without a house full of kids at home.
My other friend is the one I call on those days when I want to pull the covers over my head and stay there, saying Can someone else be the mommy today, please? And she calls me to tell me she's been googling job opportunities because this full-time motherhood thing is for the birds. We laugh so hard at things like this because we get it. We understand that one minute, you can be completely in love with motherhood, and the next, you're hiding from the kids in the bathroom, hoping for one minute of peace. So far, in 4 years of friendship, we've been fortunate that we usually don't have melt down days at the same time.
An Invitation and a Giveaway
One of my favorite ways to meet other moms has been through MOPS, International. I've been involved with this ministry for the past six years, and this year I'm excited about coordinating this group with a neat bunch of ladies. I hope you'll take the time to locate a MOPS in your area to join. You won't regret it.I'm thrilled to announce that today, MOPS, International will be giving away one MOPS membership to my blog readers! All you have to do is fill out the form below and follow MamaGab on Facebook to be registered to win. The giveaway will last a week, and I'll announce the winner next Sunday, just in time for our MOPS group's first meeting of the year that following Monday.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Aw, this almost makes me want to cry (the giveaway). I literally just emailed a MOPS group at a church in my town because I REALLY need to meet some fellow moms and make some mom friendships of my own. The costs are $25.00 for the international fee plus $5 a meeting (2x a month). That's not horrible, but for us right now we don't have ANY spare money. So it would be such a blessing! Anyways, I love the post as well - exactly why I want to find some mommy friends for me. And the mommy-wars are something I quickly found out about after my son was born - hit me like a brick. I'm learning to give myself grace and even more importantly, not to judge other moms and give them grace too. As long as the kids are fine and no one is abused, it's up to the individual parent to do just that. :)
Nicole @ WKH
Thanks! I have loved being a part of MOPS for the past several years. I hope you can find a way to get plugged in! Giving ourselves & others grace is always a challenge. It's one of those things that's possible in Christ alone.
DeleteLove your 5 ... I could add them right to my momma heart as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining the momma melody. We would love to have you join us again. Anything mom, from vacation pics, encouraging words, to recipes. I jot some notes on Mondays, but it's a come whenever you can kind of party. Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.
Be blessed bunches,
Thanks, Sarah!
DeleteI love the whole list but the one about comparisons really hits home. Divisiveness is from the devil!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Comparisons will get us into trouble every time!
DeleteA beautiful sentiment, mom friends can make all the difference. I never did attend MOPS but met mom friends through Parents as Teachers, library programs and Moms Club. I treasured those connections.
ReplyDeleteThey mean so much, don't they!
DeleteNumber 2 is my biggest struggle right now. But God is faithful and though I may be a bit slow at times - I am learning :)
ReplyDeleteAren't we all? We're all in process and none of us have arrived.
DeleteThanks for sharing at Babies and Beyond this week! Honestly, mom friendships are hard for me. I'm going to start praying about your list, and hopefully the Lord will give me chance to know some great friends like you've had!
ReplyDeleteThanks! God will provide, though I'm usually pretty impatient in the waiting. There was a time when I had to really pray for Him to provide mom friendships, but when He did, His timing was perfect and He provided abundantly.
DeleteGreat list! I am also a member of MOPS and have made some great friends this way. It is such a special time to come together with like minded ladies (and have an awesome breakfast!)
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I've never done a Mops group, but I have "mom" friends. They are the ones who help get us from point A to point B :)