Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cloth Diapering Roundup

There are few things I love talking about more than breastfeeding and cloth diapers.  I know they're not for everyone and I'd never want to push them on a friend, but if someone asks, I'm ready to talk.  And then I'll invite you over to play with my diapers, check out my wash routine, see the wet bags, and talk about how much money we can save by using cloth diapers.

So consider this your invitation into my home.  Through these posts, you'll get most of your questions answered about how cloth diapering works in my family.  It does work out differently for everyone, but if you want to know about the cloth wipes that I made, my favorite brand of cloth diapers, my wash routine, my hanging wet pails, and why in the world anyone would be crazy enough to use cloth, then take some time to pore over these posts.

Do they save money?  You better believe it.  But that question, along with many others, is answered below.

The Basics on Cloth Diapers

Review of Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert e-book:  It's an amazing, comprehensive guide to cloth diapers.  Instead of spending hours researching cloth like I did, save your time and buy the book.  I'm a veteran cloth diapering mom, but I learned a lot from this book!

My Cloth Diapering Journey:  Why cloth?  Does it really save money?

Cloth Diapering 101 or Not Your Mama's Cloth Diapers:  This post tells you all about the new cloth diapers and how they differ from the old ones.  If you're not up on your cloth diapering lingo, this is a good place to start reading up on cloth, or you might get completely overwhelmed in the terminology.

Babies on a Budget: Consider Cloth:  Does it really save money?  You bet.  Here's the breakdown on how much we spent.

A Year of Cloth Diapering:  My thoughts after 1 year of using cloth and why I'm glad my husband installed a diaper sprayer!

Diaper Types

5 Kids, 4 Moms, 3 States, 1 Diaper:  What's my favorite brand of diaper?  Because this brand is so popular, I really didn't want to love them. But once I realized that any child can wear these dipes and have a good fit with no leakage, I felt like that was enough of a reason for me.

Liners and Inserts and Doublers, Oh My!:   If you find the terminology confusing, here's an explanation of all the stuff that comes with cloth.

The Perfect Pocket Diaper:  My definition of the ideal diaper.

My Experience with Happy Heinys:  I wanted to love them, but well, you can see how it went...

The Dirty Truth:  Laundry

My Laundry Routine:  One word. EASY.

Laundry Detergent:  I love Allens.  Here's where I tell you the cost per load, the reasons I love it, how long it lasts us, and where you can get it at the cheapest price with free shipping.   

Cloth Diapering Gear

Cloth Diapering Odds & Ends:  These are not essentials for cloth diapering, but many of them are really nice to have, like a diaper sprayer.

How to Make Cloth Diaper Wipes:  Easy & possibly free if you've got some extra fabric around the house.

A Review of Two Hanging Diaper Pails:  I have two different ones and I love them both for different reasons.

Bonus:  Cute kid in diapers.

Your turn:  Would you ever in a million years consider using cloth diapers? 

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  1. I love cloth! I have to admit though, I've been using disposables for the past two days because I'm so sick of laundry right now. Ha! That's the other nice thing about cloth-it doesn't have to be exclusive! :)

    1. You bet! I love cloth diapers, but when life gets crazy, they're the first thing that goes!

  2. I do a combination of cloth and disposable. I think the most difficult thing about cloth is definitely the wash routine. I have a tiny tiny washing machine and laundry takes for-ever!

    1. I have a good sized washer, but some weeks are harder than others for me to keep up with it all. It's amazing how much laundry 3 kids can generate, even when their clothes are so little!

  3. I love using my cloth diapers! There's nothing cuter (in my opinion) than a cloth diaper baby bum.

  4. Hi! Stopping by from Mommy Moments blog hop. I'm like you - I get so excited talking about cloth diapers! Haha :) I have an 8 month old daughter who's been in cloth since she was 4 weeks old and I wouldn't do it any other way. I'm excited to read all your cloth diapering posts - I'll probably learn a thing or two! :)
    Nancy (

  5. With my first son, I formula fed and disposable-diapered. This next time around, I've nursed 100% and cloth diapered. He's basically free! :) Thanks for writing!

  6. What a brilliant round-up - so many useful resources.

    I would love for you to share this and your other baby posts at the Friday Baby Shower - a link party for all things pregnancy and new baby ... Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

  7. I am on kid # 2 3 1/2 years later and still love cloth diapering! I only wish I could have read this post back when I was expecting #1 and was completely overwhelmed by all the options. I settled on flats (because I'm old and remember using them on kids I used to babysit) Thirsties covers (which I love). But, if I had it to do all over again, I'd definitely go for pockets and prefolds. Great post. I'd love for you to pop by and link it up with me today:
