Friday, September 20, 2013

32 Random and Honest Facts About Me on my 32nd Birthday

I'm 32 today and I don't care who knows it!  Being in my thirties does not bother me a bit.  To celebrate today, I'll share all sorts of strange and not-so-strange things about me, in no particular order.

My daughter picked out this crown to go on top of the cake she planned for me.  She said that mommy must have a pink queen cake!  

  1. I'm a twin.
  2. I refused to take Home Ec. in high school because "I'll never need that stuff."  Ha.
  3. I also said I'd never be a teacher.  Moral of the story: Gabby needs to stop saying "never."
  4. I'm a huge fan of Bing Crosby Movies.
  5. And Jimmy Stewart movies.
  6. And Cary Grant movies.  In that order.
  7. I majored in political science with a pre-law concentration.  Probably not what you expected to hear from a former English teacher turned stay-at-home mom.
  8. I haven't had cable in nearly 10 years.  And no, I don't miss it.  Except in football season.  
  9. My favorite fiction books are Pride & Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables.
  10. I've been to Prince Edward Island to see Green Gables in person.  I don't blame you for being jealous.
  11. When I was about 8 or 9, I watched Anne of Green Gables for the first time.  I was highly disappointed in Gilbert Blythe because he didn't talk the way I'd imagined--he had a Canadian accent.  Shame on a Canadian actor for having a Canadian accent while playing a Canadian role!
  12. I can't stand tea.  Hot or cold, it's all gross to me.  
  13. I don't like hot dogs either.  To be polite at barbecues and other functions, I try to smother my hot dog in catsup and chili.
  14. I'm officially mad at Blogger for spell-checking the word "catsup."  That's how we learned it in elementary school.  And don't get me started on the Oxford comma/serial comma.  Ugh!  I think it's stupid, foolish, and annoying to get rid of it.  See what I did there?
  15. While we're on the subject, my favorite punctuation mark is the semicolon.
  16. My favorite book of the Bible is James, but while I have now twice set out to memorize it, I can't get past chapter two.  Sigh.  Self-Discipline, where are you?
  17. I have to keep my house somewhat clean all the time not because I'm a perfectionist, though sometimes that is true.  It's because I get overwhelmed easily.  Once I get behind, I feel like I'm drowning and I will never catch up.  Ever.
  18. I love to bake.  
  19. I took Economics in college for fun.
  20. If I could live anywhere in the world, I'd go to France or Russia.  I'm in love with Russian history and Russian Literature.  Tolstoy & Solzhenitsyn are beautiful.  Dostoyevsky is a little on the dark side for me, but I appreciate him nonetheless.
  21. Html scares me.  I try to ignore that part of blogging if I can help it.
  22. I sort of love theology and wish I had more time to study it.  I can't think of a single way it isn't applicable to a full-time homemaker like myself, or anyone else who breathes and has a pulse.
  23. I once played Dorothy in our high school's production of The Wizard of Oz.  You can lift your jaw up off the floor now.  It's OK.  
  24. I can't stand the sight of blood.
  25. Or vomit.  But these are things you get over when you become a mom.
  26. My favorite Food Network chef is Alton Brown.  Nerds tend to appreciate other nerds.
  27. I'm not very fashion-forward.  I still can't figure out why 80s pants are back in style again.
  28. I didn't like doughnuts until I was pregnant with my first baby.  
  29. But I've never liked pickles.  It took my husband 6 years of marriage to figure that out and stop giving me the pickles he didn't want.  
  30. My kids are probably the only people who see my super silly side.  Otherwise, I tend to be overly serious.  On an evaluation, one of my bosses once wrote "Try not to take yourself so seriously."  I think she was right.
  31. My first ever cassette tape that I owned was The Monkees.
  32. There are a small handful of things that I consider talents of mine.  Of these, I would say that getting in and out of the grocery store with 3 kids in 45 minutes is the one I'm most proud of in this stage of life.  
So tell me, how are you and I alike? 


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  1. Happy Birthday!
    I found your blog through the Thriving Thursday Link up and have enjoyed reading several of your entries. I love your straight forward, here-I-am style of writing and I will be back for more. Oh, and I most identify with number 30 on your list. I have often been told I need to learn how to play and that I am too serious. Maybe that is why God has blessed my life with four children. At least I have learned how to let loose and be silly with them. Thank you for writing and please keep it coming.

    1. Thank you, Amber! So glad to meet you and I'm happy you stumbled across MamaGab. Can't wait to get to know you better! And I think you're right--kids are great at helping us to let loose a little bit.

  2. Happy birthday! Okay, I am jealous. :-) PEI is on the list of places I want to visit. I imagine it being beautiful. Enjoy your day.

    1. It was on mine too!! It was a college graduation gift from my dad & step-mom. PEI was gorgeous!!

  3. Loved this!!! Happy Birthday my friend.

    I am a HUGE Jimmy Stewart fan. I've been to the museum in his hometown in Pennsylvania, and yes, I cried when I found out that he died. My sister thought I was nuts! Love Cary Grant movies too...need to look up Bing Crosby's movies. Love his music, but have never seen his movies.

    You love Russia, I love England. I would seriously go live there for a while if I could. Can I say it again? Loved this post!

    1. Thanks so much, Jody!! I know, I felt sad when he passed away too. It seemed to be the end of an era, when actors had class. You definitely need to watch Bing's movies. I'm not a big fan of the ones with Bob Hope, but the others are warm, funny, feel-good movies.

  4. We are alike on numbers 13, 17, 18 and 24, but most of those you probably already Happy Birthday precious lady and friend...


  5. Happy Birthday! I do remember the wizard of oz play and grease too!

    1. Thanks! Most people find it hard to believe--I'm so reserved! :)

  6. #8: same here.
    #12: really? know hurt-your-teeth sweet tea? are you really from the south?
    #14: i will never get rid of that comma. it's functional, practical, and looks much better.
    #15: ellipses . . .

    happy birthday!

    1. Ha! I refuse to get rid of that comma too. It's far too valuable!

  7. What a great idea for a birthday post! Happy belated birthday!
    I LOVE Anne of Green Gables - I'm Canadian and super proud that it's Canadian too! :) When I visited Green Gables, there was a performance going on and the characters picked audience members for a little dance - and Gilbert Blythe picked me!! I can say I got to dance with Gilbert Blythe! Sigh...
    I'm not a big tea fan either and am totally with you on #27. Also, in and out of the grocery store with 3 kids in 45 minutes is nothing short of impressive and definitely something to be proud of...hope I can say the same when (if) I have 3!!

  8. Lets see.... I am 32 with 4 kids and can get wic in 45 min. and I am always impressed with myself when I do it. I love anne of green gables and I am jealous that you got to go. I also kept saying never like: ill never have kids and ill never teach. I am behind in my housework and it is totally overwhelming me. really like your blog , thank you. E
