Monday, February 27, 2012

Literary Mondays: Precious words to grow by

Last week, I shared my thoughts on Elisabeth Elliot's book, A Path Through Suffering.  It seems that I continually have a dear friend who is going through an especially trying time, but every month or two, the suffering friend is someone different.  Whether you're in the trial now or you've come through a rough period, I hope you find these words as precious and encouraging as I do.

"I pray that I may be responding now to all the Lord's dealings, for I know that the best fruit will be what is produced by the best-pruned branch. The strongest steel will be that which went through the hottest fire and the coldest water. The deepest knowledge of God's presence will have been acquired in the deepest river or dungeon or lion's den. The greatest joy will have come forth out of the greatest sorrow."

Elisabeth Elliot, A Path Through Suffering, p. 156-157

Take heart, my friend.  He is faithful.

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