Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A New Blog

I've started a new blog with a completely different audience in mind.  If you've read my blog over the past year, you know that our son was diagnosed with a rare lung defect, Congenital Lobar Emphysema, when he was almost six weeks old.

While we can find some very basic information about CLE, there's just not a lot of information about what to expect as your child progresses.  What does recovery look like?  What does a child look like 6 years after a lobectomy?  These are questions that the doctors can give us estimates to, but CLE can vary so much from child to child that it's just hard to know what to expect. 

Because newborns are being diagnosed with this every year, I wanted to start a blog to help parents come together and share information to encourage, inform, and support each other. 

You may (and probably) have no interest in my new blog whatsoever, but I wanted to let everyone know that I've got a second blog going now too.  It has happened that other CLE parents found me through my previous blog posts about it, so if you're out there, hop on over to my Congenital Lobar Emphysema blog. 

Today, I kicked off the blog by sharing Andrew's story.  Hopefully we'll have more stories to share in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Gabby, I'm so proud of you for starting another blog to help parents who are going through the same thing! I think it is a wonderful idea. :)
