Monday, August 23, 2010

My Top Ten Reasons to Love Toddlerhood

When you're in the throes of toddlerhood, it's easy to have days where you feel tired, overwhelmed, or frustrated.  After all, teething and whining are still prevalent, and potty training looms ahead like a formidable foe. 

One of my toddler's favorite things to do is dump out the entire box of Legos and either play with the Legos or wear the container on her head and walk around giggling.  Then I get to step on a Lego--ouch!  And then there's the concept of cleaning up.  My 20 month old understands it somewhat, but to her, cleaning up cheerios off the floor often means eating at least half of the cheerios.  And the little sweethearts follow us around everywhere we go...including the bathroom.  By the way, I find it more productive to have humor instead of frustration with all of these scenarios!    

And really, what parent of a toddler doesn't look forward to naptime?  It's a chance to relax, recharge, catch up on a project, or get a head start on dinner. 

But these little bundles of energy are also the source of much joy.  By the time my daughter turns three, I'll have another little one on the verge of toddlerhood, so I think I'd better fall in love with toddlerhood now, if I'm not already. 

Isabelle is completely in love with puppies. 

Here are my top ten reasons to love toddlerhood:

10.  I now have a reason to talk to myself in the grocery store (or at home, in the car, and anywhere else I go). 
9.  I receive applause anytime I sing the ABCs or count to 10.
8.  There's much excitement anytime a puppy or "keykey" (kittykitty) is spotted, even if it's really just a squirrel.
7.  I have an excuse to buy Goldfish and Spaghetti O's.  (Yes, I ate Spaghetti O's last week and loved them.  I'm blaming it on pregnancy, because I used to think they were disgusting, but they were the culinary highlight of my week). 
6.  Unlike the rest of the world, my toddler knows just how completely wonderful mommy and daddy are. 
5.  A little toddler voice sings the clean up song anytime she notices me unloading the dishwasher or putting something away.  Then I get applauded when I finish the task. 
4.  Storytime, and seeing her "read" the same Little Golden Books that I read when I was a child.
3.  Free hugs, kisses, and lots of giggles and belly laughs.
2.  Their little toddler potbellied look.
1.  It goes by so fast! 

Isabelle, showing daddy her doll's belly button and then her own belly button.  I love watching little ones learn and make discoveries.

What are your favorite things about toddlerhood?  I'm starting to think that every stage of babyhood and childhood is my favorite stage.


  1. My favorite is when they fall asleep on your shoulder :o) Those moments are few and far between now at my house. But I still get plenty of hugs, even from my six year old.

  2. Isabelle rarely stops long enough to fall asleep on my shoulder, but you're right, it sure is sweet when it happens!
