Thursday, July 1, 2010

June Update

As a Family
We're all excited about having another baby in roughly 7 months, but we're cautious as well, since I'm just finishing up the second month of pregnancy.  Isabelle doesn't understand it all yet, but if you ask her where's the baby, she'll come to my tummy and look for it.  But then she goes to her daddy's tummy and anyone else's looking for a baby.  She also picks up her dress to see if there's a baby in her tummy too.  

In June, we've been able to see all of Isabelle's grandparents.  Damian's parents visited us for a while at the beginning of the month and then we visited my dad and step-mom in Houston for Father's Day.  My mom and step-dad came up to visit last weekend.  We've had a great time getting to see everyone, and Isabelle has loved the attention and the company.  She's always happy for more laps to sit in and more people to read to her.

From top to bottom:  1.  Isabelle with Damian's dad, "Pawpaw," not wanting him to leave.  2.  With my dad, "Coach" on Father's Day.  3. With Jerry, my step-dad, "Papa" last weekend.  She loves being read to first thing in the morning, and he was happy to oblige.

Isabelle at 18 months
Isabelle is all over the place, exploring, playing, and "reading" anything she can.  She loves books and music as much now as ever.   She brings us books, signs "read" and says something that almost sounds like it, and then tries to climb into our laps to be read to. I hope she continues to love books as she gets older, since she has two bibliophiles for parents.   Isabelle really enjoys dancing and had a great time walking around last weekend with her Uncle JJ's ipod touch.  She carried it all over the house, dancing to the music.  Isabelle sings all the time too, but most of the time we can't understand what she's saying.  

Her word acquisition seemed to slow down once she started walking because there were so many other things to grab her attention.  At the same time, she often surprises me at how fast she picks things up.  She is still a pro at her animal sounds, so I've started working with her on phonics too.  If she can tell me that a duck says "quack," why not teach her that A says ah and B says b?  She's only learned a few sounds so far:  A, B, C, and V.  She picked up V on her own today while playing with a Leap Frog toy.  I've tried working with her on her colors, but all she will do is repeat the word after I say it.  She never remembers from moment to moment what the color actually is.  She's just 18 months, but I know it doesn't hurt to expose her to concepts early. 

My mom bought Isabelle a classic Cozy Coupe for Christmas last year, but we only recently decided to get it and put it together, because Isabelle wasn't quite ready for it yet.  As soon as Damian pulled it out of the box, she was sitting in it, ready to go somewhere, even though it was still in pieces.

Poor Darcy is still recovering from her surgery.  Once her stitches were removed, we discovered that her wound had not healed properly.  Evidently the type of tumor it was prevented the skin from adhering and closing, so the vet said she would have to heal from the inside out.  That means she has continued to have a huge gaping wound on her shoulder, so he asked that we continue to keep her inside and in a shirt at all times.  I nearly took a picture of her wound, but I decided to spare you. No one wants to see a hole in a dog's shoulder. Here she is sporting her preppy cableknit sweater. 

Darcy has lost weight from her antibiotics and has her girlish, svelte figure back again.  She's down to about 50 pounds, which is pretty light for a basset hound.  

Gabby, personally
I'm still adjusting to morning sickness, because no two days are the same.  I actually felt bad after my last post about morning sickness because so many of you called or e-mailed your concerns.  I definitely wasn't trying to be overly dramatic or anything--I was just wanting to be real and let you know that my house is not always clean and that I struggle too when circumstances change and throw me for a loop.  I really did appreciate your concerns and offers for meals.  The past week has been so much better, but then today has been difficult again, so it is constantly changing.  I've made dinner all week, although they've been very simple meals, and we've kept the house picked up.  My mom was a huge help last weekend too. 

Spiritually, I've been doing really well.  I've enjoyed the Beth Moore study that started up last week at church, called Loving Well.  I really love our small group and the discussions we've had.  I think this study has been good for me.  It's easy to get complacent and forget about the richness of God's mercy and love, but as I was doing the weekly assignment, I was so completely overwhelmed with God's goodness.  If he never does another thing for me, He has already done it all on the cross.  I've just finished reading John in my Bible, and that too has been a great reminder of the beauty of the Gospel. 

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