Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Vacations

I'm working on a little project for my dad's Father's Day gift, and it involves lots of old pictures.  I came across this one, a favorite of ours, and it reminded me of one of my mom's tips for vacationing with kids.

Dominique, Me, Bug, Zachary, and Mariah at the piano in the lobby of our hotel. 

If you have a brood of kids, dress them up identically on vacation, especially if they're too young to be embarrassed about it.  It makes those quick head counts a lot easier, and reduces the number of mommy panic attacks.  It worked for us at DisneyWorld and here, in San Antonio, where we were headed out for a day at Sea World.  If nothing else, it makes for dorky family pictures like this one and gives us something to laugh about now.


  1. There's so much to love about this picture: the fanny packs, the acid denim, big scrunchies, side-ways ponytails, fingers snapping, and Ray Ban-style shades (which, apparently, are back in style), and I haven't even mentioned the matching t-shirts! Classic!

  2. How did I not notice our fanny packs?!? Zachary's has Ninja Turtles on it!!

  3. LOVE LOVE it! This is exactly as I remember us growing up! Hi-larious!

  4. I know, isn't it great, Hillary? Nothing says "SO early nineties" quite like this! Zachary's hair is spiked up so high that it allowed him to ride on rides he shouldn't have been tall enough to get on.

  5. too cute! ;) love the style. lol

    I do this in a way... I just try to dress my kids in obnoxiously bright colors that other kids probably won't be wearing. Helps me keep tabs on them at the park etc. If I see a blur of neon green or orange somewhere I know it's my kid and not one of the 7 other little boys wearing 'generic little-boy blue" ;)
