Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Latest Cloth Diaper Purchase

I've been planning on doing this for a long time, but finally my husband said to just do it--get some more cloth diapers to make my life easier.  It's obvious that we're sticking with it, so let's get more than just these 9 diapers so that I won't have to wash diapers as often.  And some of our diapers are sized, so eventually, we'll have to get more when she outgrows the medium Snap-EZs.  Fortunately, my girl's a little one, so it'll be a while before she outgrows them. 

I already told you my ideal diaper:  A well-known brand of good quality diapers in a one-size snap, so that it lasts through more than just one child.  I've been drooling over Happy Heiny's newest product line, their one-size snap.  And yes, they still come in COW PRINT.  I think it would be so stinkin' cute to see my little one toddling around in a cow print diaper!

I want to get about 4 more diapers.  I noticed that the price is about the same on most websites, $18.95 per dipe, but some charge extra for prints (including cow!).  Boo.  Some websites offer free shipping over $50 or over $75.  I definitely wanted to cash in on some free shipping, but I also wanted to try the diaper out first.

The solution?  I just finished placing my order for one Happy Heiny's one-size snap diaper through Jillian's Drawers.  I purchased inserts and liners from this company back when I first made the switch to cloth, so I know that they're an excellent company to work with.  Speedy delivery, great service, and competitive prices.  Even better, if I don't like the diaper, if it doesn't fit her well or leaks, I can return the item and get my money back within 90 days. 

Jillians doesn't have cow print though, so if I do like the diaper (and I think I will), I'll place an order through the Cloth Diaper Outlet for 3 more dipes, and enjoy free shipping on my order.  I'll let you know how I like them. 

Sorry for those of you who could care less about cloth diapers or think I'm a hippie.  I know this makes for  a pretty boring read.  You can get excited about your new adorable shoes, but this is what excites me.  Yep, I'm totally into this mom thing. 


  1. I do get excited about my new shoes!HA
    But you would be proud, I havent bought any in months!!

  2. OK, you're making me feel guilty. I get excited about cute shoes too! And new accessories. This is just the practical side of me speaking up. There's still a completely impractical side of me that loves all things Gap and Pottery Barn.

  3. Dont feel guilty. I have place in my heart for Gap and my new love Williams Sanoma too!

  4. Ooo, love Williams Sonoma. If Damian and I ever splurge on something, it's great cookware. I felt bad if I made it seem like it would be terrible to love shoes. There's a place for purchases like that, as long as it's all kept in balance, but my current love just happens to be the cloth diapers I've been eyeing for so long.

  5. I totally understand! Shoes are very special but have taken a back seat for a while. I just recently found some fancy kitchen gagets you must come over and see. Dinner next week? maybe Thursday?

  6. We'd love to do dinner, and Thursday would be great. Just give me a call w/ details. We're heading down to Louisiana this weekend for my brother's wedding!!

  7. Gaby, do get the HH snap dipes from Jillian. I ordered one from there to try and I'm glad I did because I plan on returning it and trying the HH velcro. I don't mind the snap-ez snaps (that snap closer to his sides as opposed to by the belly button), but the HH just has way too many snaps and it snaps way in the front so there is nothing holding the sides together The tabs seems to move up or down and the diaper kind of looks like it's falling off (I'm not sure if that makes sense but I don't know how to explain it). It may just be because Sylas has such a big belly. I'm planning on trying the HH Aplix dipes to see if they are better.

    Let me know how you like the HH snap.

  8. Uh oh, this is good to know! Thanks for sharing your info. I've been meaning to ask you what you think of your cloth diapers! My HH snap dipe came in this weekend, while we were gone for my brother's wedding, so I haven't had a chance to wash it and try it out. I'll let you know what I think!
