Friday, April 23, 2010

A Greener Cleaner

In honor of Earth Day, I'm excited to tell you about one of my favorite cleaning items, Shaklee Basic H2.  

When I was only a couple months pregnant, I received one of my first baby gifts, a set of organic cleaning supplies from Shaklee.  Among other products (like a scouring paste made out of cherry pits!), my friend had given me a bottle of Basic H2 and three empty bottles for mixing cleaners.  

At the time, I thought these were pretty great items, but I didn't realize just how great until months later. When I was pregnant, and even now, I receive wonderful hand-me-down baby gear items from friends and relatives.  I'm not just talking about cute little dresses and shoes, but real gear:  high chairs, a bassinet, 2 exersaucers, a jumperoo, a baby swing, a pack and play, a bouncy chair, and countless other items. 

I set about cleaning the exersaucers, some of the first things I received, and tried to figure out exactly how to clean the toys attached to it.  Do I use Scrubbing Bubbles or a bleach-containing cleaner?  Sure these products will kill any and all germs, but then my baby will eat the toys.  And the chemicals too.  Bleh.  If a cleaner burns your nose or stinks, you probably don't want your infant's mouth anywhere near it!  

That's why I love Basic H2.  I don't have to worry about what I'm using to clean my child's high chair tray or Bumbo.  If you're at all concerned about reducing your family's exposure to toxic chemicals in the home, then you're going to love this cleaner.

Why is this a green cleaner?  It's natural and nontoxic, so it's not harmful to the environment, but even better, one bottle of Basic H2 can replace most or all of your household cleaners.  It's a cleaner that you mix with water to make other cleaners.  2 drops of Basic H mixed with 16 ounces of water = glass cleaner.  That's why it's great to get the three empty, labeled bottles to go with the Basic H2.  There's a separate bottle for glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, and a degreaser.  It's great too.  I use it to clean my entire kitchen, except the floors, because I like using vinegar and water (the original all-natural cleaner!).  Check out this link for more info and a cost breakdown.         

The friend who brought me the Shaklee cleaners does sell Shaklee products, but I know she was bringing me something she knew I'd love, not just trying to make a buck.  After all, it's been nearly 2 years, and I still haven't had to replace my bottle of Basic H2 with another $12 bottle.  And as a rule of thumb, I trust anyone who will hold my hair while I lose my breakfast in the church bathroom, thanks to morning sickness.  If you are interested in buying it, let me know, and I'll put you in touch with her.                  

I know it's highly politicized, but don't hate me for "celebrating" Earth Day.  =) While I do think some folks take things a bit too far, all in the name of saving the earth (like only showering once or twice a week), I think there's nothing wrong with taking care of what the Lord has given us while we're here.  At the same time, it's important to keep it all in perspective.  My hope does not lie in saving the planet; my hope lies in Christ and Christ alone.  Ultimately, heaven and earth will all pass away. 

1 comment:

  1. I would like to try the cleaner! Can you email me her name and number? Thanks!
