Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's for dinner?

I came across this blog article about a month ago:  1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo.  Basically, she roasts a chicken one night and uses the leftovers for healthy dinners--no enchiladas drenched in cheese (yum) and no chicken salad soaked in mayo.  My husband's response:  "No Mayo?!? What's wrong with mayo?"

I had a whole chicken, already seasoned, that I got from a freezer meal exchange a few weeks ago, so I roasted this in the oven with veggies on Friday.  I deboned it yesterday  (saving the scraps for stock) and made the White Chicken Chili last night.  I skipped the first recipe, Chicken Picadillo, out of respect for my husband.  Last week, he specifically asked me to please stop trying to cook weird stuff.  I wasn't sure if White Chicken Chili counted as "weird stuff," but I was pretty sure Chicken Picadillo did, since I have no idea what Picadillo is.  The poor guy is burnt out from my attempts at culinary creativity.  I guess I shouldn't have tried to make meatless sloppy joes with lentils AND quinoa pilaf in the same month--bad idea, Gabby, bad idea.

The verdict on the White Chicken Chili?  Completely and utterly awesome.  Damian loved it and had a second bowl of it.  The recipe says it makes 2-3 servings, and it really is a small recipe.  I had a bowl, Damian had two, and there might be another 3/4 of a cup left.  Next time, I'll definitely double it or triple it.  I didn't completely seed the jalapeno because we like spicy food, but it was even a little spicy for us.  It cleared my sinuses up though!  I think I might serve it over chips next time too, to give it a little crunch.  I love that it didn't take a lot of time or energy to make--it simmers for 20 minutes, long enough to have the kitchen clean by the time dinner is ready.  I'll try the Chicken Curry in a Hurry tomorrow.  Tonight, we'll just have smoothies for dinner.  Damian has a soccer game at 7, so he wants a light dinner.

Yesterday I went shopping for a dress to wear for Easter and my brother's wedding, so I wasn't really in the mood to do a lot of cooking.  I've never been a big shopper, and having kids makes me less of a shopper.  It's just a hassle to go in and out of stores when I'm used to being able to run in and out pretty quickly.  Not to mention the racks that are way too close together to maneuver a stroller, tempting my one year old to reach out and touch the pretty fabric.  But I think that's yet another good thing about being a mom--Isabelle forces me to slow down and do things carefully and thoughtfully. 

I found nothing yesterday.  Usually, the issue is finding something that fits the way you want it to, but having just dropped a dress size, I was really pretty excited about trying on clothes.  I never even got to that part--I couldn't find anything I liked.  I went through this in October too.  I just wanted a nice A-line skirt, similar to the cute one from White House Black Market that I owned, but shredded when it caught on the door jamb on my way to work a couple years ago.  Bummer!  I settled for a solid black A-line last fall, but I'm hoping I won't have to settle this time.  So today I'll try again, or else find something in my closet. 

I did find a precious white one button cardigan, perfect to go over a sleeveless dress.  It was $29 at Dillards.  I also went to Ross and found the identical cardigan, same designer, same one button, for $16.99.  So for those of you who worry that the quality at these stores isn't the same, think again!  Just shop carefully, and you can find some great stuff at these stores. 

Guess I better get my adorable shopping buddy dressed cutely so I can head out!


  1. We've been doing the SAME meal plan from Cheap, Healthy, Good and we LOVE it! The chili and chicken curry in a hurry is delicious. Two roasted chickens lasts us for two weeks - not bad, eh?!

  2. Awesome. =) Glad to hear the Chicken Curry is good too--that gives me something to look forward to tomorrow night. I wonder if that's how I heard about the website? I couldn't figure out how I stumbled across this, but I bet you have a link to CHG on your blog. So once again, Leslie has inspired me. Gracias.

  3. Yeah, this is definitely up Jo's alley and if y'all haven't talked freezer meals, etc. you ABSOLUTELY should compare notes.

    I, like Damian, typically like the regular stuff, but Jo's all into new and exciting. Perhaps we will end up finding a middle ground together.

  4. We've talked a little about freezer cooking--that's how she ended up with our red beans and rice recipe. She really helped me out with the shopping thing--evidently our Wal-Mart is pickier on matching sales than the TX side one, so I needed info. from someone who shopped at the AR side on too.

    Yeah, I think that's a typical husband/wife issue. I felt really bad when I realized he dreaded meals every time I said the words "I tried a new recipe tonight." But trying new stuff is how we ended up with the yummy White Chicken Chili, so nothing ventured, nothing gained. I just need to make sure I space out the "weird stuff" a little bit better and stick with mostly classics.
