Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reality Check

I'd intended on blogging this week on cloth diapers, but it's been a terrible week, and today is only Tuesday!  Quite frankly, I've been too upset to even touch the blog.  Instead of talking about cloth diapers, I've decided to be real and tell you what's going on in my life.  We'll save the totally awesome diaper blogs for next week.

We have no plumbing at our house, and we won't have it back until Friday, Saturday, or Monday.  My first response to this news was to leave my home and go visit family for a week!  Seriously!  How am I supposed to cook, clean, do laundry, and shower without plumbing?  But then I realized that real moms tough it out and get creative, so that's what I'm doing.

The worst news is the cost.  The asphalt in front of our home will have to be pulled up, the plumbing job completed, and the road repaved.  You can't imagine how much that's going to cost, but it's enough to wipe out our savings completely.  I felt ill yesterday just thinking about all that money, quite literally gone down the drain.  After many tears and little bit of binge eating of my toddler's Goldfish (there was no chocolate in the house!), I still just felt terrible about it all.  I finally realized I needed to pray, honestly, and tell God just how much this situation stinks.  It stinks a big one.  A really big one.  And I told him that.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  -James 1:2-4

And then I also told Him that I trust in His provision and His wisdom in this trial.  He knows what He is doing through this circumstance, and He knows what He is doing in me through this trial.  He's making me holy.  Maybe I find too much security knowing that we've been saving up, since the days when I was working, "just in case" we should need it.  Maybe I find happiness in my circumstances instead of finding joy in my God, who is bigger than all circumstances.  Maybe it's none of these, and He just wants to show us just how mightily He can provide for us.  So here you go, Father.  Glorify Yourself, and make me more like you, so I can bring glory to You too.    

**Update:  God has already begun providing for our needs, through an unexpected windfall and a much larger than expected tax return.  These won't cover all the funds, but God is making sure that we will still have a small savings, and He's already showing us just how mighty He is.**


  1. If there was a 'like' button I would like it LOL :)
    Be thankful that you DO have the extra savings to be able to get this done. That in it's self is a blessing! That's what it was there for correct? Even though it's going to wipe out your savings, you'll still be saving as you go along, you'll have another little extra there before you know it.
    Praying for ya :)

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words, Sam! That's exactly what I told my mom when all of this happened, but really, it was a matter of faith to be able to even find anything to be grateful for! It could take many years to build up the funds again. But God is good, and He has provided mightily for us. I try not to take it it for granted that I 1) have a house, a husband, and a sweet baby and 2) I get to be home with my child.
