Friday, May 24, 2013

The Perspective of a Four Year Old: {Five Minute Friday}

Five minutes.  No editing. No deleting.  This week's topic?  View.

We woke you and your little brothers up early that morning.  We dressed you in the dark, packed sippy cups of milk and pop tarts for breakfast, loaded you up in the minivan, and headed out for vacation.

You'd been asking about this day for months.  When we first told you we were going to Disney World, your four year old mind had no idea what that meant until I told you Mickey Mouse lived there.  Now, after all the planning, the Youtube videos we watched to prepare you for it, and the excitement about meeting your favorites, you were ready to go.

And mommy was too.  I'd been reading all the books on how to have the perfect trip.  I knew what we had to do first, what activities could be skipped, and that Dumbo was the most popular ride there.  I was ready.

On our way out of town, we realized I'd forgotten to make you potty first, so we stopped at the state line McDonald's.  As you and I walked out of that bathroom stall, you squealed, and with a look of utter delight, you turned to me, and asked

Mommy, is this Disney World?  

I had to break it to you that this was not, indeed, Disney World.  We had a three hour drive and two airplane trips left to go before we'd be there.

But now I knew that no matter what happened on the trip, you would love it.  All the stress about the perfect trip melted away.

You'd already been to Disney World, right there underneath the golden arches.  It's all about perspective, baby. 


Five Minute Friday

When was the last time you realized that all your kids wanted from you was to relax, have fun, and stop stressing over perfection?


  1. Oh, the simple and wonderful perspective of a child...LOVE this. I have such a huge smile on my face right now. Thank you for sharing! Blessings and happy weekend to you! :)

  2. Thanks. She keeps me in check!

  3. Oh, love the perspective of your four year old...they teach us so much..Nice to meet you, Gabby :)
