Friday, May 17, 2013

Song {Five Minute Friday}

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Five Minute Friday


Each of my children has a song.  I call it their theme song.  I think every child should have a theme song.

When my daughter was born, I used to sing "Sweet Isabelle," to the tune of "Sweet Caroline."  I would whisper it in her ear when she was upset.  Sweet Isabelle.  Good times never seemed so good.  I've been inclined to believe they never would.  

My sister said I was the baby whisperer because no matter where we were, I could calm her down by whispering Isabelle's theme song in her ear.

After so many years of singing the song this way, it feels strange to hear the Neil Diamond version sung correctly.  Doesn't everyone know it should be Sweet Isabelle?

Andrew's song is to the tune of "Winnie the Pooh."  Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff.

And my third baby's theme song has his name, to the tune of "Skinnamarink."  I love you in the morning and in the afternoon, and early in the evening and underneath the moon."  

Every baby has a theme song.

But my daughter is 4 now.  She still gets a big grin on her face when she hears her song because in her little world, everything revolves around her, and it only makes sense that every song should revolve around her too.

Yet she has changed her mind on her theme song.  When she hears me sing "Jesus Loves Me" to her two year old brother, to her baby brother,  and even to her when she feels sad or scared, she tells me what she thinks of her theme song.

"Mommy, that's my theme song."

Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so.

I do believe she's right about that.

What songs do you love to sing your little ones?  


  1. Agreed! Every child needs a theme song!

  2. Oh yes, the songs we sing to our children :-)I'm always making up songs to sing.

    My 3 year old's constant request is Silent Night.

  3. How wonderful! What a great Momma you are. We love so many songs at our house. Twinkle, twinkle is a big favorite. I like to hum silent night to my babes in the middle of the night.
