Friday, April 5, 2013

Welcome to MamaGab: Ultimate Blog Party 2013!

I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Party for the first time this year, so here's a little bit about me for any new readers and anyone stopping by from the blog party.

My name Gabrielle, though everyone calls me Gabby.  I used to teach high school English, but now I'm a mommy to 3 kids ages 4 and under.  I'm passionate about motherhood, walking with God, good literature, and strong coffee. 

Our Family

My husband and I have been married for over 10 years, and we're the best of friends, though I think perhaps I'm a poor wife for a theologically-minded husband.  I've filled my head with so much motherhood data that there's little room for much else, aside from my daily time with the Lord.  And I have a theory that with every baby I lose IQ points.  Or perhaps it's the sleepless nights.

In a span of 3 1/2 years, we had 3 children.  Our oldest is now 4, a precocious sweetheart with a flair for the dramatic.  We plan on homeschooling, so I get to enjoy Izzy's creativity all day long.  I'm very straight-laced and she's my out-of-the-box child, so I'm constantly bewildered at her latest antics.  Our second child is nearly two, Andrew.  He's my lovey-dovey snuggling little boy, but he's also all boy and loves cars and sports.  We knew we wanted more children, but God provided another one a little sooner than we'd expected.  When Andrew was about 10 months, this sleep-deprived mama discovered she had another bun in the oven.  Alexandre has been a complete joy, the happiest baby imaginable.  Everyone should try to plan a surprise baby.  I highly recommend it.

My mother gave birth to 7 children, so growing up in a big family has given me a perspective about homemaking and motherhood that's pretty unique.  Meal planning, grocery shopping, and caring for babies is second-nature to me because I can't remember a time when I didn't know how to do these things.  

Mothers and Friends

I've been involved with MOPS, Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers, for 5 years now, and I love encouraging other moms in their walk with God.  I learn so much from being around other moms, though to tell the truth, I especially treasure my friendships with moms who are at least a few steps ahead of me.  I need them.  I need their perspective, their wisdom, and their laid-back approach when I'm busy making mountains out of molehills. 

The Tough Stuff

In the past couple of years, we've had some difficult family trials, and we nearly lost our newborn son, who was flown via jet to a children's hospital for emergency lung surgery, with very little time to spare.  It was a watershed moment in our marriage and in our life, when we had to choose to trust the Lord, even if we lost our baby.  In the aftermath of that, I've chosen to be honest on my blog about my trials, my struggles with fear and anxiety.  I don't want you thinking I've got it all together.  I don't.  If you want perfect, find another blog to read.

Growth and Change

I don't want to stay put.  I want to grow as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, and as a follower of Christ.  Sometimes you'll find me saying "I was wrong!" on this blog.  The rules I followed when I first became a mom, trying to do everything by the book, simply don't apply anymore now that I'm on baby #3.  

I'm also working on me.  I'm trying to be a runner.  Notice I said trying.  I'd still rather settle in with Jane Austen and a cup of coffee, but discipline is good for the soul, and this body needs exercise, so I recently ran my first 5k.  My second race is just around the corner.  

I'm also still trying to figure out how to balance the cooking, the cleaning, the schooling, and the exercising, all with these three young kids that I shouldn't view as interruptions to my day.  They are my day.  Cultivating their little hearts and leading them to the Lord should be my focus.  The rest is just gravy.  I know that in my heart, but making it work out practically is another thing entirely.  I think I'm teaching them, but God is using them to teach me, to sanctify me.  It's a journey, and it's one I'd love you to join.

My Facebook page is a great way for us to stay in touch, and I love hearing advice and suggestions from friends like you about all areas of motherhood.  I'm also on Pinterest, which is easy for me to check out while I'm nursing my baby.  Twitter is new to me, but I'm figuring it out.  Sit and stay a while.  I look forward to getting to know you.

Ultimate Blog Party 2013


  1. fun post! great getting to know more about you Gabby! :)

  2. How adorable your kids are! Coming by from the UBP.

  3. I am popping over from UBP13. I enjoyed my visit.

    (link #59)

    ps. Looks like your house if fun and busy.

  4. It's great to "meet" you. It sounds like we have something in common. I love literature and books as well.


  5. Hey, I’m stopping by from the Blog Party. Nice to meet you. Your family is so adorable! :)

  6. Visiting from UBP13! I, too, am always working on how to balance cooking, exercise, parenting, personal interests, homeschooling, etc. Awesome we can all learn from each other!

  7. Hi Gabby! I'm visiting from UBP13. So glad I came by. I'm anything but perfect; so I'll fit right in. Look forward to reading more. You have a beautiful family. Amy

  8. 3 babies in 3 1/2 years, that's amazing. I'm so glad your son pulled through a trying time. Stopping over from UBP, so glad to meet you!

  9. Hello!
    Sounds like you got your hands full of blessings! I know what you mean about blogging about your imperfections as well! We have been trying to have more children- but God hasn't let us yet, but He is in control! Happy for your sweet family!!

  10. I'm a runner too! Just had a baby girl. She's 8 months old. I look forward to getting to know you and following your blog. :)


  11. SO glad you stopped by Our Journey and that I got to come here! Love your post and so excited to meet you and follow you on your journey. Your family is beautiful and you are right.. They are blessings, not interruptions ;) Be Blessed and have a great weekend!

  12. Hi Gabby, nice to meet you from UBP. I absolutely love your blog and these ribbons fascinate me

  13. It is nice to meet you Gabby. 3 under the age of 4!?! No wonder you love coffee. :) I have two and I barely stay sane and usually have no idea what I am doing. Ha!

    I am glad to find your blog during the UBP13 hop. I love this time of year, getting to meet new bloggers.

    I hope you have a great new week! Blessings!

  14. Hopping over from UBP13. I homeschooled for 10 yrs, but now mine are all grown up. I also like to cook, craft & write. If you ever want some fun activities with your kids, stop by for our Oreo Moon Phases or our Lucky Charms Graph.
